Successful Applicant:
Wheatley River Improvement Group Inc.
Project Title:
Winter Woodlot Tour 2021
Project Summary:
The Winter Woodlot Tour is a free, annual event co-hosted by the Wheatley River Improvement Group, the Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group, Central Queens Wildlife Federation, and new this year, Trout River Environmental Committee. The Winter Woodlot Tour is a family-friendly even that allows visitors to get outside and enjoy nature while learning about the importance of ecosystems and sustainable land use. The 2021 event went ahead as planned on February 6, 2021, and took place on a private property on the Buffalo Road in the Wheatley River watershed area.
The purpose of this event is to educate the public on woodlot management practices and environmental stewardship that benefit both wildlife and humans on Prince Edward Island. At the event, presenters and volunteers succeeded in: educating landowners and the general public about sustainable woodlot management practices; encouraging stewardship and sustainable use of woodlots and forests on PEI; providing advice and expertise on a variety of forest management practices and methods for land use, including safe chainsaw operation and instruction on harvesting for maple syrup; demonstrating how forests provide habitat for an abundance of organisms, even in the winter months, and how those organisms interact with each other, the environment, and humans; and highlighting the importance or organizations such as watershed groups, Island Nature Trust, and the Invasive Species Council on PEI, and how their work is enhancing and restoring our natural ecosystems.
This year's event brought in over 700 visitors who were treated to free hot apple cider, horse logging demonstrations, snowshoeing, and were able to speak to presenters from a wide variety of organizations. Visitors were encouraged to use sustainable practices, respect and appreciate wildlife and forest ecosystems, and help local wildlife by providing habitat, controlling invasive species, and supporting PEI environmental organizations.