Successful Applicant:
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Project Title:
The Stanley G. Bryant Nature Reserve
Project Gallery:
Project Summary:
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC) PEI Program protects sensitive ecosystems, providing protected habitat for rare and endangered species throughout PEI. The purpose of this project was to protect an additional 86 acres of land directly adjacent to an existing NCC reserve in honor of Stanley G. Bryant, the donor’s grandfather.
With the generous support of the WCF and other funding partners, NCC was able to follow through on all the logistics required to accept a land donation, including appraising the value of the property, commissioning a professional land survey, and employing legal services for the land transfer.
Through working with a willing landowner, this land was donated to NCC through Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Ecological Gift Program. The property was successfully transferred to NCC October 1, 2018, and is now conserved for both its inherent values and ecological services it provides both people and wildlife. NCC is thrilled to celebrate this conservation success as it contributes to the larger nature reserve in the Percival River stream with an understanding that larger connected areas promote better wildlife movement across landscapes. Now that the land is included in the larger NCC nature reserve, NCC will annually manage and steward the Stanley G. Bryant Nature Reserve as needed. Conservation volunteer events will be held to not only raise awareness about the importance of conservation along the Percival River, but to also help accomplish stewardship needs such as shoreline clean ups and waterfowl surveys.