Successful Applicant:
Pisquid River Enhancement Project
Project Title:
Stream Enhancement and Fish Passage Monitoring in Three PEI Watersheds
Project Gallery:
Project Summary:
The Pisquid river enhancement completed many projects over the summer months in co-operation with the Hillsborough River Association. The focus of this project was completing stream enhancement work and working to improve habitat on Vernon river, Pisquid River and Seal River. Our work included removing alders and deadfall from approximately 5 km of stream in Vernon River to prevent it from becoming choked up and holding sediment.
We maintained and improved upon the stream enhancement work completed on the Pisquid river. This included the addition of several structures to promote habitat diversity including the placement of rock weirs and cover structures. Several hundred meters of brushmats were constructed in Pisquid to capture sediment and help to narrow the wide stream system. The sediment trap located on Shepard’s Farm was also emptied, this will additionally capture sediment and ensure good habitat and spawning areas.
Garbage removal from several locations on roadsides around stream areas before to ensure that it did not make its way into the stream systems. There were over 1500 trees and shrubs planted in several areas including patch cuts along Pisquid river, planting hedgerows and shrubs along seal river to stabilize the bank, and plantings on Vernon river to encourage diversity and replace blown out trees. Our stream systems were continuously monitored over the summer months for large amounts of deadfall, fish populations and beaver activity which allowed us to prioritize work within our watershed. In co-operation with the Hillsborough River Association we held several very successful events including a kayak and canoe event and hiking events that encouraged members of the community to practice stewardship.