Successful Applicant:
Souris & Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation
Project Title:
Restoration & Enhancement of Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout Habitat in North-Eastern PEI
Project Summary:
Souris & Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation began stream clearing and restoration work in 1974 which has continued on a regular basis since that time. This work primarily involves clearing blockages and blowdowns to improve overall stream health and increase fish passage to spawning areas. This project focused on stream restoration and enhancement in 9 systems within our management areas, including 7 that are know to have Atlantic Salmon: North Lake Creek, Priest Pond Creek, Cross River, Hay River, Bear River, Naufrage Creek, Cow River, Souris River, and Fortune River.
Stream Kilometers cleared
Cow River 7.524
Naufrage Creek 18.92
Bear River 5.572
Hay River 6.819
Cross River 13.54
Priest Pond Creek 9.672
North Lake Creek 17.89
Fortune River 10.02
Souris River 11.21
Total 85.066