Successful Applicant:
Island Nature Trust
Project Title:
Repatriation of Island Land for Protection as Natural Areas
Project Summary:
The project involves a donation of ecologically significant land in Cable Head, PEI, to Island Nature Trust (INT), through a new collaboration with Us charity American Friends of Canadian Conservation (AFCC) - the first time that Island land will be protected using this mechanism. The 10 ha (24.8 acre) parcel of land in this initial project contains coastal bog, forested wetland and other woodland that lies immediately adjacent to an existing INT natural area (173.5 acres); it thereby adds connectivity and eliminates the potential for further wildlife habitat fragmentation.
The goal of the project is to acquire this ecologically significant Cable Head coastal forest and bog to protect it in perpetuity, ensuring that it will continue to provide habitat for wildlife and ecological services for generations to come. The acquired land will be designated under the PEI Natural Areas Protection Act, a piece of provincial legislation that provides legal protected status, which will protect the property from development and other forms of degradation having a negative impact on the wildlife habitat it provides.
Currently, the project is partially complete with a title transfer to American Friends of Canadian Conservation expected in the spring. The great benefit of working with AFCC is their ability to recognize the generosity of a gift of land held by an American taxpayer, through a charitable gift receipt that is recognized by the U.S. tax system. As a Canadian charity, INT it not able to provide this type of tax support to an American donor; our partnership with AFCC now provides us with the potential to acquire and protect more ecologically sensitive land in Prince Edward Island.