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Removal of Beavers / Beaver Dams in Beaver Management Zones

Successful Applicant:

Pisquid River Enhancement Project



Project Title:

Removal of Beavers / Beaver Dams in Beaver Management Zones

Project Gallery:

Project Summary:

The principal goal of this project was to remove beavers and accompanying beaver damns that were present in the PREP beaver management zones and also to acquire tools and equipment to enhance the removal process. Beaver management zones on which we work include Pisquid River, Clarks Creek, Head of Hillsborough, Vernon River and Seal River. They have valuable species such as Atlantic Salmon (an endangered species), Brook Trout, and Rainbow Trout. To protect these species, it is essential to control beavers and remove their dams so the fish can swim freely upstream to spawning grounds. It is vital to also inform the landowners and general public of these activities as they play a big role in the conservation of these valuable species.

The goals of this project were to:

  • Remove beavers and beaver dams in beaver management zones: Pisquid River, Clark's Creek and Head of Hillsborough

  • Conduct redd surveys and spot electrofishing in the High Bridge stream section of Pisquid River going towards the forks and the stream between the forks and Dromore Pond Basin, the Callaghan branch and Cape Breton Road stream sections of Clark's Creek, Seal River and Vernon River

  • Improve fish passage, enhance stream habitat, and survey salmon/trout redds

  • Host a farmer's meeting in Vernon River

The results for the removal of beavers included two beavers trapped out of the Old Bob Laird Pond, several beavers trapped in the upper part of Seal River this winter, and seven beavers trapped in the upper reaches of Clark's Creek last fall/early winter. Redd surveys were conducted in Vernon River, Pisquid River, and Clark's Callaghan Branch, along with Atlantic Salmon spot surveys in Vernon River, Pisquid River, and Clark's Brook. Some trees that fell as a result of post tropical storm Dorian on September 7th - 8th were removed under the extended permit.

Two meetings were held, a presentation on owls and hawks by Dwaine Oakley, and a meeting with the PEI Potato Board on water and soil conservation. The Farmer's Meeting that was scheduled for this spring were put on hold due to the COVID-19 health pandemic. To facilitate our stream enhancement projects and improve overall efficiency and safety, we purchased new tools and equipment including a new chainsaw, gas generator, power pack drill, jigsaw, chainsaw pants, and waders. In addition, a wetland conservation sign and a biodiversity sign were designed and fabricated.

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