Successful Applicant:
Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association
Project Title:
Monitoring Parameters of Salmonid Populations within the Bedeque Watershed
Project Summary:
Redd surveys are an extremely useful method of tracking the population trends of Atlantic Salmon over long periods of time. The information can also be useful for mapping habitat. This data can then be compiled seasonally, and over multiple years can provide a clear picture of what is working for the species and what is not within the watershed.
Through this project BBEMA staff conducted red surveys to help monitor Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout populations within the Bradshaw, Wilmot, and Dunk Rivers. Additionally, staff completed stream surveys to assess beaver population trends and identify barriers to fish migration (beaver dams, areas of soil erosion). The data collected will enable BBEMA to identify limiting factors for returning and juvenile salmonids, helping to guide future decision making, management and enhancement actions.