Successful Applicant:
Winter River Tracadie Bay Watershed Association
Project Title:
Fish Passage, Water & Forest Quality in WRTBWA
Project Gallery:
Project Summary:
Improve Fish passage: Removed blockages and debris from 4.5 km of streams to improve fish passage and water flow patterns; finished phase 2 of natural fishway project at Officer’s Pond which would have helped pass non-jumping fish over a dam but was determined to be not feasible; worked with Department of Transportation, Infrastructure & Energy to improve fish passage through culverts by assessing public culverts and applying to their watershed pilot project; removed hung culvert on private farm lane to improve fish passage in stream.
Improve Water quality: Installed 13 new brush mats and improved 2 brush mats to remove silt from waterways and improve substrate for fish eggs; conducted shoreline cleanup around Tracadie Bay to collect 1030kg of material to prevent plastic ingestion by wildlife, and measured dissolved oxygen levels at three sites within the Winter River estuary to quantify duration of anoxic events (4 days of complete anoxia near Corran Ban) which could kill fish; constructed erosion control structure with square bales of straw to reduce erosion from potato field into adjacent stream to prevent movement of substances harmful to freshwater aquatic life.
Improve Forest quality: Cut excessive standing dead trees from forest areas dominated by one or two species of aging trees, especially crowded white spruce, then under-plant with diversity of tree species to create more microhabitat types for wildlife; create hedgerows and coastal plantings to reduce erosion and increase wildlife habitat area and habitat connectivity within residential/agricultural landscape.
Activities took place throughout the Winter River – Tracadie Bay watershed area.