Successful Applicant:
Central Queens Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation
Project Title:
2018 Winter Woodlot Tour
Project Gallery:
Project Summary:
The Winter Woodlot Tour educates landowners and the public about good stewardship of their woodlots; how to use them for recreation; how to manage for the benefit of wildlife including mammals and raptors; how to improve the health of their trees; to educate people about trapping practices; demonstrate the work of organizations such as watershed groups and the invasive species council; and generally teach people, young and old, to value their woodland.
The 2018 event funded by the WCF was unable to be held due to uncooperative weather resulting in the lack of winter snowy conditions and unsafe icy conditions at the site location. If the weather had cooperated the event would have been held at the equestrian park in Strathgartney. We feel this site is ideal for future Winter Woodlot Tour events, as it seemed to accommodate all our needs to host a successful event.