Successful Applicant:
Central Queens Branch of PEI Wildlife Federation
Project Title:
Restoration of Salmonid Habitat on Clyde River
Project Gallery:
Project Summary:
This project, funded by the PEI WCF, was just one of many activities the Central Queens Wildlife Federation completed during the 2017 field season. The WCF contribution was used to remove ~1000m3 of sediment while constructing a new sediment by-pass pond on the east branch of the Clyde River. This branch of the Clyde River has received minimal rehabilitation efforts over recent years. The ambition for 2018 will be to begin restoring salmonid habitat on the ~2 km section of stream below the by-pass sediment trap. The removal of finer sediments is critical in restoring the quality and amount of salmonid habitat required to meet the group’s life history requirements.
This project will be a direct benefit to salmonids by increasing the amount of high quality stream habitat while providing indirect benefits to other wildlife species that are associated with healthy riverine ecosystems.
The project goals revisited:
Objective 1: Reduce existing sediment bed-load in the east branch of the Clyde River to expose underlying gravel and cobble substrates
Objective 2: Manage and mitigate current and future inputs of sediments into Clyde River
Objective 3: Diversify and improve riparian zone along Clyde River to improve buffer zone robustness and size
Objective 4: Increase available spawning habitat for brook trout
Objective 5: Increase availability of overhead cover and nursery habitat for Brook trout