Successful Applicant:
Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery
Project Title:
Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery PEI Wild Fish Stocking Program
Project Gallery:
Project Summary:
The purpose of the project is to provide native wild Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout for Provincial Discrete Stocking Program, enhancing recreational fishing opportunities and remediating fish kill events when necessary.
This project will have a direct benefit to wildlife, specifically Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout populations, in rivers that have had fish kills due to pesticide runoff. Affected sections of rivers can be repopulated immediately instead of taking years to re-establish the ecosystem niche/trophic level that the salmonids occupy. Fish not required for fish kill remediation are used to supplement existing salmonid and brook trout populations in 4 popular angling river systems: Brudenell, Morell, Trout River Coleman, and Dunk Wilmot. Approximately 4,000 derby sized fish are released each fall in a number of ponds across the province to enhance recreational fishing opportunities.