Successful Applicant:
Kensington North Watersheds Association Ltd.
Project Title:
2018 Wildlife Habitat Enhancement & Silt Management
Project Gallery:
Project Summary:
Our project goals focused on habitat restoration for the benefit of aquatic species and wildlife within the Kensington North Watersheds area.
Project Goals revisited:
1. Permit streams to flow, allowing for self cleaning of silt, increased exposure to springs and gravel for fish spawning. Stream enhancement activities were performed in 13 watersheds throughout Kensington North covering 16.8 km. Six springs were hand dug to remediate sediment and spawning gravel was added to enhance fish spawning opportunity. Two new rock dams were installed to enhance fish passage and an additional 3 were maintained.
2. Improved biodiversity through selected patch cutting in pure stands of alder and pin cherry and replanting with native tree and shrub species. Patch cuts of alders were made in two selected watersheds and in smaller areas as part of stream maintenance. These areas are will receive new plantings in 2019. Patch cut areas from 2017 were replanted in 2018.
3. Keep sediment traps working efficiently in heavily farmed areas with sandy soils, through proper maintenance. Three sediment traps were excavated in 2018. One trap had 19 dump truck loads removed.
4. Improve shade and provide stream bank stabilization, increase biodiversity for birds and mammals through planting of native trees and shrubs, as site conditions require More than 2200 native trees and shrubs were planted, including the addition of tree guards and cardboard mulch, in 19 locations throughout 11 watersheds. Planting sites received between 50 and 300 trees per site.