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Photo Credit: Island Nature Trust
City of Charlottetown
Successful Applicant: City of Charlottetown Award: $1,611 Project Title: Miltonvale Wellfield Reforestation Project Field Trip Project...
Southeast Environmental Association
Successful Applicant: Southeast Environmental Association Award: $4,680 Project Title: Stream Enhancement in the Montague-Valleyfield...
Hillsborough River Association
Successful Applicant: Hillsborough River Association Award: $4,658 Project Title: Stream Enhancement on the Historic Hillsborough River...
Central Queens Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation
Successful Applicant: Central Queens Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation Award: $3,558 Project Title: 2018 Winter Woodlot Tour Project...
Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group
Successful Applicant: Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group Award: $4,864 Project Title: The Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group: Next Steps Project...
Lot 11 and Area Watershed Management Group Inc.
Successful Applicant: Lot 11 and Area Watershed Management Group Inc. Award: $2,029 Project Title: Enmore River Rehabilitation Project...
Lot 11 and Area Watershed Management Group Inc.
Successful Applicant: Lot 11 and Area Watershed Management Group Inc. Award: $7,091 Project Title: Freeland Creek Rehabilitation Project...
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