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Photo Credit: Island Nature Trust
Kensington North Watersheds Association
Successful Applicant: Kensington North Watersheds Association Award: $2,137 Project Title: Expansion of Ring-necked Pheasants in...
Cornwall and Area Watershed Group Inc.
Successful Applicant: Cornwall and Area Watershed Group Inc. Award: $3,330 Project Title: The Conservation Stewardship and Habitat...
West Point and Area Watersheds Inc.
Successful Applicant: West Point and Area Watersheds Inc. Award: $3,856 Project Title: Watershed Activities Project Gallery: Project...
Richmond Bay Watershed Association
Successful Applicant: Richmond Bay Watershed Association Award: $6,132 Project Title: Healthy Watersheds, A Sustainable Balance Year 2...
Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group (SAWIG)
Successful Applicant: Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group (SAWIG) Award: $1,875 Project Title: Stratford Watershed Improvement...
Wheatley River Improvement Group, Inc.
Successful Applicant: Wheatley River Improvement Group, Inc. Award: $700 Project Title: Osprey Nesting Post with Camera Live Feed Project...
Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association
Successful Applicant: Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Award: $7,003 Project Title: Watershed Enhancement for the Winter...
Morell River Management Cooperative Limited
Successful Applicant: Morell River Management Cooperative Limited Award: $3,180 Project Title: Improving Atlantic Salmon Populations...
Nature PEI (Natural History Society of PEI Ltd.)
Successful Applicant: Nature PEI (Natural History Society of PEI Ltd.) Award: $2,333 Project Title: Book Illustrations: Mammals of PEI...
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