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Photo Credit: Island Nature Trust
Stream Enhancement and Fish Passage Monitoring in Three PEI Watersheds
Successful Applicant: Pisquid River Enhancement Project Award: $9,400 Project Title: Stream Enhancement and Fish Passage Monitoring in...
Stream Habitat Enhancement within the St. Peter's Bay Area
Successful Applicant: Morell River Management Cooperative Award: $12,200 Project Title: Stream Habitat Enhancement within the St. Peter's...
Stream Crossing Kildare River
Successful Applicant: Cascumpec Bay Watershed Association Award: $3,870 Project Title: Stream Crossing Kildare River Project Gallery:...
Foxley River East Rehabilitation / Enhancement Project
Successful Applicant: Lot 11 & Area Watershed Management Group Award: $2,262 Project Title: Foxley River East Rehabilitation /...
521 Conservation Class: Watershed Education Program
Successful Applicant: Hunter - Clyde Watershed Group Award: $5,035 Project Title: 521 Conservation Class: Watershed Education Program...
Increasing Anadromous Fish Passage Within the Bedeque Bay Watershed
Successful Applicant: Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Award: $1,087 Project Title: Increasing Anadromous Fish Passage...
Microphones versus Ears: Testing Songmeter Ability to Detect Marshbirds
Successful Applicant: Bird Studies Canada Award: $2,800 Project Title: Microphones versus Ears: Testing Songmeter Ability to Detect...
Determining Life History Traits of Genetically Distinct Atlantic Salmon
Successful Applicant: Canadian Rivers Institute Award: $10,350 Project Title: Determining Life History Traits of Genetically Distinct...
Wild Child PEI Nature Immersion Program
Successful Applicant: Sierra Club Canada Foundation Award: $3,555 Project Title: Wild Child PEI Nature Immersion Program Project Gallery:...
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