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Photo Credit: Island Nature Trust
PEI Wild Child Forest School (Spring and Summer 2019)
Successful Applicant: Sierra Club Canada Foundation Award: $5,950 Project Title: PEI Wild Child Forest School (Spring and Summer 2019)...
WRIG's Pollinator Garden Education Project
Successful Applicant: Wheatley River Improvement Group, Inc. Award: $860 Project Title: WRIG's Pollinator Garden Education Project...
Life in and Around Flowing Water
Successful Applicant: Richmond Bay Watershed Association Inc. Award: $10,410 Project Title: Life in and Around Flowing Water Project...
Cain's Brook Restoration
Successful Applicant: Trout Unlimited Canada Prince County Chapter Inc. Award: $3,370 Project Title: Cain's Brook Restoration Project...
Rehabilitating Fish Migration Through Campbell's Pond in the Hunter River Watershed
Successful Applicant: Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group Award: $5,730 Project Title: Rehabilitating Fish Migration Through Campbell's Pond in...
Permanent Protection of Forested Wetlands in the Brudenell River Watershed
Successful Applicant: Island Nature Trust Award: $14,440 Project Title: Permanent Protection of Forested Wetlands in the Brudenell River...
Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery PEI Wild Fish Stocking Program
Successful Applicant: Abegweit Conservation Society / Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery Award: $8,902 Project Title: Abegweit...
Watercress Control in Brook Trout Spawning Habitat
Successful Applicant: Ellen's Creek Watershed Group Award: $1,050 Project Title: Watercress Control in Brook Trout Spawning Habitat...
SSWA Enhancement of Public Educational Areas for Wildlife Protection
Successful Applicant: SSWA South Shore Watershed Association Award: $4,375 Project Title: Enhancement of Public Educational Areas for...
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