PEI WCFDistribution and Characterization of Sarcoptic Mange in Red FoxesSuccessful Applicant: Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, Atlantic Region Award: $7,045 Project Title: Distribution and...
PEI WCFRestoring Forest, River and Shoreline Habitat in the Hunter - Clyde WatershedSuccessful Applicant: Hunter - Clyde Watershed Group Award: $8,527 Project Title: Restoring Forest, River and Shoreline Habitat in the...
PEI WCFDiadromous Fish Monitoring in North East PEISuccessful Applicant: Souris and Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation Award: $3,300 Project Title: Diadromous Fish Monitoring in...
PEI WCFMoving Toward Ecosystem-Based Management in the Midgell WatershedSuccessful Applicant: Abegweit Conservation Society Award: $5,660 Project Title: Moving Toward Ecosystem-Based Management in the Midgell...
PEI WCFFactors Affecting Poor Salmon Survival in Northeastern PEISuccessful Applicant: University of Prince Edward Island Award: $7,000 Project Title: Factors Affecting Poor Salmon Survival in...