PEI WCFCarragher's Pond Fishing Platform / DockSuccessful Applicant: Central Queens Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation Award: $1,975.55 Project Title: Carragher's Pond Fishing...
PEI WCFMoving Toward Ecosystem-Based Management in the Midgell WatershedSuccessful Applicant: Abegweit Conservation Society Award: $5,660 Project Title: Moving Toward Ecosystem-Based Management in the Midgell...
PEI WCFLife in and Around Flowing WaterSuccessful Applicant: Richmond Bay Watershed Association Inc. Award: $10,410 Project Title: Life in and Around Flowing Water Project...
PEI WCFCain's Brook RestorationSuccessful Applicant: Trout Unlimited Canada Prince County Chapter Inc. Award: $3,370 Project Title: Cain's Brook Restoration Project...