PEI WCFIllustrated Online PEI Plant Guide Segment 4: 47 FamiliesSuccessful Applicant: Natural History Society of Prince Edward Island (Nature PEI) Award: $5,990 Project Title: Illustrated Online PEI...
PEI WCFDucks Unlimited Canada Wetland Education Program 2020Successful Applicant: Ducks Unlimited Canada Award: $11,180 Project Title: Ducks Unlimited Canada Wetland Education Program 2020 Project...
PEI WCFDiversification and Improved Habitat in Three WatershedsSuccessful Applicant: Kensington North Watersheds Association Award: $9,800 Project Title: Diversification and Improved Habitat in Three...
PEI WCFStream Enhancement and Silt Removal from Head of Hillsborough Successful Applicant: Pisquid River Enhancement Project Award: $5,940 Project Title: Stream Enhancement and Silt Removal from Head of...
PEI WCFCommunity Engagement and Fostering BiodiversitySuccessful Applicant: Belfast Area Watershed Group Inc. Award: $10,050 Project Title: Community Engagement and Fostering Biodiversity...
PEI WCFPhase I: Woodland Enhancement and Habitat Protection Successful Applicant: Glenaladale Heritage Trust Award: $4,235 Project Title: Phase I: Woodland Enhancement and Habitat Protection...
PEI WCFImproving Watershed Resilience through Diversity Successful Applicant: Richmond Bay Watershed Association Inc. Award: $8,865 Project Title: Improving Watershed Resilience through...
PEI WCFSalmonid Habitat Restoration and Riparian Area Improvement on Quinn's BrookSuccessful Applicant: Central Queens Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation Award: $8,035 Project Title: Salmonid Habitat Restoration and...
PEI WCFResponds to "Dorian" with Restoration EffortsSuccessful Applicant: Lot 11 & Area Watershed Management Group Inc. Award: $3,545 Project Title: Responds to "Dorian" with Restoration...